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We match high-potential, under-resourced youth with community mentors and provide collegial experiences that encourage and support students, in hopes of maximizing their leadership potential and their future success. The 1:1 mentoring model provides students with a mentor with common interests to build a relationship with, to gain exposure to a broader world and a friend who encourages them.
Research shows that mentoring makes a difference. We see it daily when students come to our office proud of their grades, looking to the future, and making better decisions in and out of school. Mentoring is magic, we often say. You can’t always put a finger on how or why it works, just that it does. Make your impact today.

Program Overview
Young Eagles Mentorship Program is an initiative of the Savannah Leadership Foundation. Collaborating with teachers and administrators, students are recommended to the program where they are matched with a mentor. These are students that teachers recognize as having high potential but may be lacking the support of a consistent adult role model to help them reach graduation and beyond, to the fulfillment of their goals. Matches are based on gender and similar passions and interests and whenever possible, similar background and culture.
Mentors provide an additional stable adult influence to encourage and motivate students. By learning about the opportunities available to them and learning to advocate for themselves, students begin to achieve their academic and professional goals.
By matching the skills and passions of each mentor to the needs and desires of the student, we encourage each to become active, contributing citizens. Our students become leaders and role models for their peers as they achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.